it’s pronounced


sass · courage · determination · attitude

it’s pronounced


sass · courage · determination · attitude

Let us help you free some time

Let us help you free some time

Moxie Communications aims to be the marketing department or agency you need to help get the word about your product, but at an affordable price. 


Working with us means that you get friendly, highly personalised round the clock service without the over-inflated agency mark-up

Meet the Moxies

Tan Sue Yen

Founder, Chief Wordsmith

Sue grew up in Singapore, returning to the sunny island after 10 years of studying and working in Great Britain. She specialises in creating unique and interesting ways to help our clients stand out from the crowd. Over the years, Sue has accumulated experience marketing everything from sports events to lifestyle experiences.

Since founding Moxie Communications in 2012, she hopes to bring her agency know-how and her own special brand of humour to lend a supportive hand to business owners.

Daphne Chew

Partner, Pun Hit Wonder

Daphne has been in the Singaporean sport and entertainment industry for over 11 years. Over this time, she has amassed events management and hospitality expertise. After working for the Indoor Stadium and Singapore Sports Hub, Daphne has the unique advantage of having seen the inner and outer workings of sports in Singapore.

Her strength and passion lies in social and digital media marketing, where she applies her punning skills with great aplomb.

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